Feel Good About Satisfying your Sweet Tooth: Project Stepping Stone Picnic & Dessert Auction
Want to eat homemade desserts and not feel guilty about the calorie count? On Sunday, September 15, 2019, Project Stepping Stone will be hosting an auction of about 60 desserts made by members of our partner churches, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, First Presbyterian Church, and Lutheran Church of the Cross. All the funds raised will go directly to Project Stepping Stone, a local non-profit that provides housing to families in need. Spending money on a good deed has to mean that all those calories should be guilt-free, right? Right. And if you’re watching your weight and want something truly calorie-free, additional items from the community, like service certificates and gift baskets, will be auctioned off as well.
The auction, led by Bill Jenkins, will start around noon. At 11:30 a FREE lunch of fried chicken and fixings will be provided.
Before the lunch and auction there’s a joint worship service between Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and Lutheran Church of the Cross beginning at 10:00am.
Powerful worship, good food, and some laughter, all dedicated to a good cause. Be sure to join us!

Schedule and Information:
Date: September 15, 2019
Location: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 900 W White River Blvd , Muncie 47303
10:00am– Outdoor worship, weather permitting.
11:30am – Lunch, inside HTLC’s Fellowship Hall.
12:00pm – Auction starts, inside.
Things to note:
-Weather permitting, the worship service will be outside. Come prepared with a light jacket or sunscreen as necessary.
-Make sure to bring your own lawn chair!
-You don’t need to attend the worship service to be welcome at the lunch and auction.
-Each partner church is asked to provide 20 desserts. Please note the dessert guidelines.
Dessert Guidelines:
-Desserts have to be made from scratch.
-Desserts should not need to be refrigerated.
-A simple description of the dessert must be placed on a container you do not want back.
-Examples of desserts are a dozen brownies, bars or cupcakes, two dozen cookies, a cake or a pie.
-Please do not package desserts individually.